Page 9 - Transformation Report 2018/2019
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Central to being a New Breed Law Firm is a commitment 6. To increase the number of black professionals in the
to transformation and diversity. To give credence to this Group and at each firm and so increase the number
commitment the Group BEE Standards were adopted in of black director appointments at firms, firms must
2014 as part of the overall Group Standards. strive to achieve a minimum of 50% black professional
appointments as a percentage of all professional
These Group BEE Standards provide an internal BEE appointments annually made by a firm.
compliance gauge for member firms and address the
vacuum that exists in respect of a sector specific legal BEE 7. To increase the number of black directors in the Group,
charter. The Group BEE Standards have also gone through firms must strive to achieve a minimum of 50% black
iterations, with the latest update in 2019 setting higher director appointments as a percentage of all director
targets for member firms. appointments annually made by a firm.
The Group BEE standards currently comprise the following: 8. A total of 30% of all legal services outsourced by a firm
to legal service providers must be outsourced to black
1. The firm must achieve at least a Level 4 BEE Certificate law firms (at least 25.1% black-owned) and/or black
under the BEE Codes. advocates or other legal service providers that are at
least 25.1% black-owned.
2. The firm must annually submit a Workplace Skills Plan
to the relevant Sector Education Training Authority. 9. A firm must have a functioning pro bono programme
that at a minimum meets the requirements for pro
3. Each firm must have a current Employment Equity bono work of the relevant Legal Practice Council.
Plan in place which is monitored by its board and
which identifies the strategies the firm will use to Importantly, the commitment of member firms spans wider
transform its organisational environment, and sets than only meeting the requirement of these standards.
clear targets for the advancement of previously Implied in appointment targets, required BEE levels and
disadvantaged individuals across all organisational employment equity compliance is that member firms
levels within the firm. adopt Group best practices in respect of recruitment,
development, career planning, skills development, supplier
4. Each firm that is a designated employer must submit development, community involvement and more. This
an Employment Equity Report to the Department of demands a holistic commitment to transformation by every
Labour. member firm, evidenced through it meeting the Group BEE
5. To enlarge the pool of black candidate attorneys
from which professional appointments can be made
within the Group and at each firm, firms must strive
to achieve a minimum of 50% black candidate The Group BEE Standards have gone
attorney appointments as a percentage of all through iterations, with the latest
candidate attorney appointments that are annually update in 2019 setting higher targets
made by a firm. for member firms
Group Transformation Report for 2018/19